Here is a short script which goes through a directory structure and operates on mp3 or MP3 files. It uses standard bash methods - and I am posting it here in case you are interested - of course you can achieve the same effect with:
find . -name "*.[mM][pP]3" -print
...but a script is more fun - and substantially slower - giving you time to think about other things - which is often useful. The script prints out the names of the files it encounters - you could have it do something else - like report checksums (cksum) or modification times (ls -lt). The necessary lines for these operations have been commented out in the script. You can use this script as a template to carry out other file based scripted operations. Also note that it won't find files with the following cases in their extensions: mP3 or Mp3 (i.e. mixed case file names).
#!/bin/bash scandir () { for item in * do if [ -f "$item" ] ; then curdir=`pwd` nfile=`expr $nfile + 1` EXT=`echo "$item" | rev | cut -c 1-3 | rev` if [ $EXT = "mp3" -o $EXT = "MP3" ] then echo "$curdir"/"$item" | cut -c${ld1}- # ls -lt "$curdir"/"$item" # cksum "$curdir"/"$item" fi elif [ -d "$item" ] ; then cd "$item" scandir ndirs=`expr $ndirs + 1` cd .. fi done } startdir=`pwd` ld1=`echo $startdir | wc -c` ld1=`expr $ld1 + 1` echo "Initial directory = $startdir" ndirs=0 nfile=0 scandir echo "Total directories searched = $ndirs" echo "Total files = $nfile"