Wed May 18 08:58:33 PDT 2016

Galaxy Simulation Program

Here is the version of the galaxy program used to generate the movies of the last few days.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

// PROGRAM galaxy
// model proposed by Schulman and Seiden
// ZFS - changed so that graphical output is handled in postscript
// included a minor fix to avoid stomping on memory and setting the time
// to 15, and increased the number of comments
// Usage
// Compile with:
// gcc galaxy.c
// Run with:
// ./a.out
// You will generate a collection of postscript files which show the 
// evolution of your model galaxy

int main();
void parameter();
void initial();
void evolve();
void create(int r, int a, int *newactive, int newactive_r[], int newactive_a[]);
void plot_spiral();
float rand1();

// if printout is set to a positive integer this value is used to name
// the output postscript file

int printout=0;

int active_a[10001];
int active_r[10001];
int cell[51][301];
int dt;
int nactive;
int nring;
double p;
double s;
int t;
double two_pi;
double v;
double pi;

int main()
    long int i;


        t += dt;

    return 0;

void parameter()
    nring = 50;                             // number of rings
    nactive = 200;                          // number of initial active cells
    v = 1;                                  // circular velocity
    p = 0.18;                               // star formation probability
    dt = 10;                                // time step
    s = 2*pi/6;                             // cell width
    two_pi = 2*pi;

void initial()
    int a, i, r, x, y, Itmp1_, Itmp2_;
    float xwin, ywin;
    float xtmp, ytmp;

    for(Itmp1_ = 0; Itmp1_ <= 50; ++Itmp1_)
        for(Itmp2_ = 0; Itmp2_ <= 300; ++Itmp2_)
            cell[Itmp1_][Itmp2_] = 0;

    // randomly activate cells
    // this is done by choosing a ring by choosing points evenly on a grid
    // and determining which ring the points lie in (to avoid overly sampling
    // the small rings. The angle (a) about the ring can be chosen evenly for
    // each ring.

    i = 0;
            x = (int)(nring*rand1()) + 1;
            y = (int)(nring*rand1()) + 1;
            r = (int)sqrt(xtmp*xtmp+ ytmp*ytmp) + 1;
        } while(!(r <= nring));
        a = (int)(6*r*rand1()) + 1;     // array index corresponds to an angle
        if(cell[r][a] == 0)
            active_a[i] = a;            // location of active region
            active_r[i] = r;
            // activate region, stars live for 15 time steps
            cell[r][a] = 15;
    } while(!(i == nactive));
    t = 0;                              // initial time

void evolve()
    int a, am, ap, i, newactive, newactive_a[10001], newactive_r[10001], r, 
    double angle, wt;

    // number of active star clusters for next time step
    newactive = 0;
    for(i = 1; i <= nactive; ++i)
        r = active_r[i];
        a = active_a[i];
        create(r, a+1, &newactive, newactive_r, newactive_a);
        create(r, a-1, &newactive, newactive_r, newactive_a);

// angle is the angle of the current region, the angles of the next larger
// ring adjacent clusters are ap and next smaller ring clusters are am
// these angles are computed based on the ring velocity (which depends on the
// ring in question), the simulation time, and the overall velocity setting

        angle = fmod((double)(a*s + v*t)/r, two_pi);
        if(r < nring)            // activate cells in next larger ring
            wt = fmod((double)v*t/(r+1), two_pi);
            ap = (int)((angle - wt)*(r+1)/s);
            ap = ((ap) % (6*(r+1)));
            create(r+1, ap, &newactive, newactive_r, newactive_a);
            create(r+1, ap+1, &newactive, newactive_r, newactive_a);
        if(r > 1)                // activate cells in next smaller ring
            wt = fmod((double)v*t/(r-1), two_pi);
            am = (int)((angle - wt)*(r-1)/s);
            am = ((am) % (6*(r-1)));
            create(r-1, am, &newactive, newactive_r, newactive_a);
            create(r-1, am+1, &newactive, newactive_r, newactive_a);

// copy the new actives into the actives lists - ready for the
// next time step

    nactive = newactive;
    for(Itmp1_ = 0; Itmp1_ <= 10000; ++Itmp1_) {
        active_r[Itmp1_] = newactive_r[Itmp1_];
        active_a[Itmp1_] = newactive_a[Itmp1_];

void create(int r, int a, int *newactive, int newactive_r[], int newactive_a[])
// create star clusters
    if(a < 1)
        a += 6*r;

// The original program had a bug in that a could be 301 on occasion (for 50th
// ring) and this then set the simulation time to '15' by reaching beyond the
// end of the cell matrix...this problem is avoided by the following test which
// imposes a circular boundary on the angle in the positive a direction (as
// was originally done in the negative a direction

    if(a > 300)
        a -= 6*r;

// Now see if a supplied region should become active because of its
// currenly proximal active region - this happens with a probability 'p'

    if(rand1() < p && cell[r][a] != 15)
        newactive_a[(*newactive)] = a;
        newactive_r[(*newactive)] = r;
        cell[r][a] = 15;         // activate cell

void plot_spiral()
    int a, r;
    double plotsize, theta, x, y;
    double theta2;
    double scale=4.0;
    double xoff=320.0;
    double yoff=475.0;
    char filename[20];
    FILE * fd;

// Here we output postscript disks with radii which correspond to the
// age of a given star cluster. The location of a given cluster is
// determined based on the current simulation time and the velocity of a
// given ring.

    sprintf(filename, "",printout); 
        fd=fopen(filename, "w"); 
        fprintf(fd,"%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 640 892\n");
        fprintf(fd,"0.1 setlinewidth\n");
        fprintf(fd,"0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor\n");

    for(r = 1; r <= nring; ++r)
        for(a = 1; a <= 6*r; ++a)
            if(cell[r][a] > 0)
                theta = (double)(a*s + (double)v*(double)t)/(double)r;
                theta2 = fmod(theta, two_pi);
                theta = theta2;
                x = r*cos(theta);
                y = r*sin(theta);
                plotsize = cell[r][a]/15.0;

                    fprintf(fd, "newpath\n"); 
                    fprintf(fd, "%f %f\n", x*scale+xoff,y*scale+yoff); 
                    fprintf(fd, "%f 0 360 arc closepath\n", 1.0*plotsize*scale);
                    fprintf(fd, "0.0 setgray fill\n");
                    fprintf(fd, "stroke\n");

                // reduce star clusters lifetime

// the code assumed that rand() returned a real number between 0 and 1,
// hence the following function which does this.

float rand1()

I found the original source code from here ... which comes from this compendium of code here from the book by Harvey Gould and Jan Tobochnik, 'Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods'. I have the first edition of this book (it has two volumes) and it is a really fantastic resource for those of us that did not pay enough attention in school but are interested in learning how physics operates.

Posted by ZFS | Permanent link | File under: chemistry, general